Services, Study, Design, Implementation and Operation of Water Supply Systems:
- Water audit;
- Operational diagnosis of water distribution systems;
- Telemetry operational management system;
- Strategic plan and implementation of actions to reduce real and apparent losses;
- Design studies, basic and executive projects;
- Piezometric sectorization;
- Hydraulic modeling;
- Energy efficiency studies and projects;
- Execution of large-scale works in water supply systems;
- Water reservoir and pipelines;
- Pressure control in water networks;Measurement and Control Districts;Infrastructure management and asset renewal;
- Hydrometry engineering (diagnosis, sizing and optimization);
- Macromeasurement of flow, pressure and level;
- Social work and execution of works in highly vulnerable areas;
- Social work and execution of works in highly vulnerable areas;
- Updating the technical registration of networks;
- Updating consumer commercial registration;
- Consultancy for reviewing operational and maintenance practices;
- Recovery of overdue credits and combating fraud;
- Rational use of water.